

Linux: Mounting NFS Filesystem

First we should export the directory that will be mounted by the remote computer via NFS, we do:

echo "/home/me/my_remote_folder *(rw,sync,no_root_squash)" > /etc/exports
We should then restart our NFS server with the new configuration file using:
/etc/init.d/nfs restart
 /usr/sbin/exportfs -av
 /sbin/service nfs restart 
We can Use /etc/init.d/nfs status to verify that the NFS server is running.

On an embedded system with NFS enabled, the following command mounts the my_remote_folder directory exported by the NFS server on a mount point of our choosing:
mount -t nfs mycomputer:/home/me/my_remote_folder /mnt/nfs
Where mycomputer is the name of your computer on the network or his IP address.

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