

Java EE (JSF): Initializing List and Array properties for Managed Beans

If you have a property that is an array or a List, you can initialize it with default values. If the property is set to null, the facility will create a new List or array and initialize it for you. If it’s non-null, the facility will simply add any values you define to the existing collection.

Instead of specifying a single value for the property, you specify multiple values. You can configure a List or array property by nesting <value> or <null-value> elements inside a <list-entries> element, which is a child of the <managed-property> element.

Let’s say our UserBean class also has a favoriteSites property, which is a List of Strings representing the user’s favorite sites. If we wanted to provide a default list of values for the favoriteSites property, we could define it like so:


In the previous example, all values were stored as String objects, which is the default. If you want all of the values to be converted to a specific type, you can use the <value-class> attribute. Here’s a List property whose values are all Integers:


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